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"I place the syringe in my armpit to warm it up first, cold shots really hurt"

"I do my shot tonight ugh! I'm trying to think what will numb my arm so I don't feel all that pain"

I do my shot tonight ugh lol

I'm trying to think what will numb my arm so I don't feel all that pain.

I'm a candy ass

shhhhhhhh haahahaha

Amanda Bacchiocchi
I am on Copaxone and i have to say that i place the syringe in my armpit to warm it up first, cold shots really hurt, but the needle is so small i really dont feel it. Started out with the Autojector and now do it myself with no problems. I was on Avonex and again had to head up the shot but i found with IM that heat really helped it to not hurt as much.